Saturday, December 31, 2022

Job change horary

 i cast the following chart.

Time : 06:30 a.m


Place : Taxila

Ayanamsa : Lahiri

Horary Num 68

Software : Astrosage

The question was : whether i'll get a better job in coming weeks?

Moon reflects betterment in job (but not change of job) hence the genuinity of question is confirmed to some extent from moon.

The significations are as posted below :

So as per above data, Jupiter Dasha and Mars Bhukti is running. From 5th January, Jupiter Antra is likely to commence which will last till 20th Feb.Mars is negative on planetary level but positive on both Nakshatra and sub level.

Jupiter is positive for both discontuination of current job as well as job change.

During this time period (Ju/Ma/Ju), job change must take place.

i'll update about this chart soon.